Inter-Planetary Healing is a form of Earth-Reiki on a Multidimensional Level with the aim of helping the transition into the 5thD GAIA as well as the Universal Ascension process of our entire Galaxy.
Inter-dimensional Gridworkers are those OldSouls who carry multiple Star/Planet experiences and lightcodes within their energetic database and are able to function as “Energetic Transformer-Plugs” to shift planetary frequencies & consciousness into higher dimensions and create the New Crystalline-Earth we are all transitioning in.
My gridworker role in this lifetime is more specifically that of an Inter-dimensional GateKeeper which is centred around my ability in opening and managing powerful portals which enable communications between different layers of reality which facilitate exchanges of Light structures encoded with information between dimensions and different life forms
Are you a Lightworker who is drawn not only to bring energetic healing & harmonization to others humans and animals but also to nature, lands, caves, rivers, seas, mountains, cities…the Earth as a whole?
If so you are a Gridworker too!
You can join our Circle of Gridworkers and my Higher-dimensional Ascension Council in our powerful Portal channellings in various locations across the globe to heal, clear and activate the light-grids and contribute to GAIA’s own Ascension process.
Every Interplanetary transmission event you step into with us you will also benefit at an individual level and receive your own healing, upgrading of light codes and dna activations.
We anchor a multitude of Star Council’s Codes and these gatherings are an opportunity for you to be in an amplified container with your own Star-Families where the volume goes up during this process, as well as the opportunity to learn how to connect into the higher-dimensional grids of Earth, and receive 7thD Lemurian crystalline grid access codes and participate in their re-activation within our current Earth timeline.
Our Next Gridworkers Retreat will be held during the SIRIUS LIONS Gate Portal on the 8/8 weekend which also falls during the peak season of the night skies Perseid Meteor Shower phenomenon. Joins us for 3 days of powerful and magical transmissions in the sacred lands Stonehenge & Avebury to reactivate the memories of your Soul’s times in Avalon, connect to the Star councils assisting the 7thD Earth transition as activating further your own Gridworker LightCodes.