Light Language infused energy channelling from star systems specifically relevant to your own connections
Transmission of the Ray of the White Flame of Ascension for inner purification and elevation.

On occasions I deliver in-person light-infusion transmissions. These are healing or activating energy transmissions combined with a short, channelled message from the system which has stepped forward for you. The codes coming through will be of the intensity relative to the stage you are in the light-body evolution process, and like a puzzle they will fit where needed in your energy fields.
Through the use of the White Flame Ray this transmission can be a powerful purificator and activator, although not everyone will react and respond in the same way; like other energy practices such as Reiki and Crystal Healing when targeting our chakras & energetic highways often changes occur gradually over long periods of time. Some individuals do not experience any sensory alterations during the transmission whilst others with already open higher dimensional channels may see bright lights and the codes flowing out and into their fields.

Every reaction is based on the receiver’s state of awareness, openness and their own energetic setup.
These transmissions are currently for individuals who already have experience in energy work and who have an understanding of Light Language frequency modalities, the context within which they operate and the process of connecting to the Higher Realms.
All channelled 1-1 sessions are held in our Crystal Studio in ANGEL N1 – LONDON – UK
to enquire about our next availabilities contact us >
For our Group channelled events please see our next one at >
Your bespoke channelled audio transmission: discover your Starseed connections, receive their messages and energetic Light-Language Healing.
Receive a powerful energy clearing + expansion of the volume into your Higherself with the White flame of Ascension.
We connect you to the Earth’s 7th Dimensional crystalline light-grids and deliver your Starseed marking, light-codes information and messages from your Star-guides.
Lay down and drift off in an astral-sleep inside our portal while receiving healing downloads and a soft touch physical transmission.
Take home from the 1-1 treatment your very own attuned Quantum Crystal and bespoke digital Light-Language Art.