Water Clear Point
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus porta est vel mauris ornare molestie. Fusce non placerat dui. Maecenas dictum enim non sollicitudin fringilla. Morbi dignissim, neque a consequat tincidunt, nibh libero dapibus dui, eu hendrerit ligula mi vitae elit. Duis tempus tempus faucibus. Nulla consectetur viverra felis, eu cursus diam tristique quis. Morbi ac sem ut nisi consectetur dictum at porttitor dolor. In pellentesque mauris ligula, quis sollicitudin turpis iaculis eu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus viverra nec arcu in tincidunt. Sed nec mauris ut ligula commodo vulputate non quis nulla. Morbi ullamcorper velit nec elit interdum, vel tempus magna imperdiet. Donec pharetra, augue ut aliquet malesuada, dolor lacus vehicula velit, nec blandit eros augue in tellus. Suspendisse et nisi at quam tincidunt aliquam in et mauris. Vivamus eget elementum sem, non consequat nisi. Vivamus euismod nunc nisi, vitae hendrerit metus aliquet eget.
5cm x 3cm
Water Clear Point
5cm x 3cm
1 in stock
Please make sure you have noted the size of the crystal whether it is S/M/L/XL – as they can appear all the same size and weight on the photo but they are not!
The dimensions are an approximate indication as the shapes are uneven. They can often display irregularities due to the way crystals form in certain pressurized pockets within the glacier peaks of these high-altitude mountains, also from the many mineral growths and inclusions present which only add to their beauty & value. These extremely ancient natural specimens have been on a long journey from far away, so please allow for possible slight wobbly movements within their matrix and please remember to handle and treat them with care. The crystals carry Energy Consciousness just like you and me, no crystal will be landing in your hands by mistake…you will be guided by your intuition who will recognize the crystal calling out to you.
A donation from the sale of your crystal will be sent to the local community that helped bring out these beautiful crystals to the rest of us.
Post & Packaging added at check out, we use only Earth-friendly packaging – made of 100% recyclable material.