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What Others Say

The Initial activation of these capabilities was not an easy moment and the many readings I received from experienced people in this field were pivotal in navigating this invisible realm that had suddenly opened up to me. I am extremely grateful to all the teachers and new friends that I have met along the way and highly recommend them to others who find themselves looking for guidance when starting to experience the other dimensions and higher aspects of Self.


Wisconsin USA

Galactic Healing Gridwork Event in Sedona Arizona, USA.


“I am so blessed to have experienced a glorious feeling and activation from dear Francesca. I was at an equinox ceremony in Sedona Arizona. Her light language and sacred geometry movement touched me so I burst out in tears and was forever changed. Thank you dear Francesca for being the way-shower of divine light and unconditional love🌹💜”

Suzanne Ross


Ascension Coach and organizer of the Sedona Arizona Ascension Retreat Conferences.



“Francesca your line activation was totally PHENOMENAL during the retreat here in Sedona! It was so incredible all of the energy that pours through you. You are so connected, it is INSPIRING! I love all that you are now doing and sharing, blessed to be connected with you”


London UK

Nutritionist and Personal Trainer



“I have worked with Francesca for a number of years now as a personal trainer and what I saw in her energy activation transmission was a side of her I had never witness before…her posture changed completely and while downloading these high frequencies she sustained vigorous physical levels of activity and a flexibility which she does not normally have, it was very clear something was moving her beyond her normal usual self. 

I have always been interested in exploring more about energy and healing so after finally creating time for an energy cleansing session with Francesca, I received exactly the awakening I needed to remind me of the power that I have within me and the divine light and joy that is active through me. This has translated into my practice as a trainer as I am able to channel that joy and energy through my movements and sessions and the difference is noted!

Thankyou so much for the awakening Francesca!

Anna Fortino



“Mia cara Francesca grazie per la splendida umanita’, per la tua dedizione che dai a tutti quelli che hanno una sofferenza, li aiuti a comprendere che esiste una dimensione piu’ alta per affrontare le dinamiche della vita. Io so che esiste una energia nell’universo potente, nel Buddismo e’ chiamata legge di causa-effetto, ho compreso che ogni pensiero, parola ed azione producono un effetto, se soffriamo e’ tutta opera nostra creata dal nostro egoismo e avidita’.

Ti sono enormemente grata per quella canalizzazione che hai fatto per me, ti ho guardata e profondamente il tuo viso e’ cambiato, eri un angelo, la tua voce trasformata, le parole arrivavano al cuore ed ho provato una grande emozione. Quello che mi e’ arrivato tramite te mi ha reso piu’ felice, serena e determinata, mi ha incoraggiata e consolata, ho comincaitato a credere che tutto e’ possibile se apriamo il nostro cuore all’amore universale, rispetto il mio corpo con la consapevolezza di essere un’anima di luce e che sono qui per una missione, aiutare le persone ad essere felici.

Il nostro corpo fisico altro non e’ che il veicolo del quale si serve lo spirto per viaggiare per le vie dei mondi. L’essere umano e’ spirito, e’ scintilla divina e con questa dimensione spirtuale puo’ comprendere quanto vi e’ di visibile ed invisibile, di manifesto e non manifesto nell’emazione divina.

Mia cara e preziosa Francesca un abbraccio grande-grande, con profondo rispetto, Anna”.

A special thank you to the very first guides who appeared on my path in London, who helped me manage my first experiences in inter-dimensional communication: truly beautiful wise souls helping others grow by sharing their in-depth knowledge and expertise in this field:
Liesl Duffy and the team at Clearly Destiny