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July 26, 2022

Julie Golden Rose

Multidimensional Alchemist Healer and Ascension Guide


“The Arcturian Heart Codes that Francesca channelled for me are so beautiful!  I love them!  They are very layered and work on many levels of my energy field. They reach deep and it is a Joy to have them on my wall, infusing the room and staring at them many times during the day.

Every time I look at them, something new emerges. They are very self-actualising in that aspect, updating what they offer to the needs of the moment – just like Francesca said.  I can feel them acting as a portal opening gates of expanded energy transmissions for me. Thank you Francesca!

Thank you Francesca and all involved in brining these Himalayan Samadhi quartz to us, my little cluster is such a sweet companion! She has green chlorite at her base and radiates a loving and gentle energy. I can’t wait to connect deeper with her and go on journeys together! 
